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Testimoni Ryan Wibowo - Humber College, Canada

Testimoni Ryan Wibowo - Humber College, Canada

I am Ryan Wibowo, a film student at Humber College, Toronto, Canada. The film program is where you learn the theories and the practice of how to make films. I learned and am learning the craft of filmmaking, and learn why I make the choices I make in film based on theory.

My experience with Universal has been delightful. They took extra care with my process like I'm sure they do with all their clients. Universal has made the start of my journey to studying abroad a less difficult experience than I expected it to be. They paid attention to all the details necessary, Universal thinks about what you need and what you want and work their way into making it a possibility.

Even after 2 years studying, they are still at my aid when I need help...
It would've been much harder for me to get to where I am today of it weren't for the help of Universal. I strongly think that Universal was a necessary step in my education. My advice to future students is to learn to adapt, be open to new possibilities, make new friends and learn new things but never forget where you came from

Ryan Wibowo, Jakarta
Bachelor of Applied Arts – Film and Media Production, Humber College, Canada

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